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CMake: Generating Sources

Compiling code is easy. However, what happens when the code you want to compile doesn't exist yet? Here I explore how to get CMake to generate files which are then used in the project.

Text from Templates

Coding often involves repetitive actions for which it's useful to generate many different, yet similar pieces of text.

Unit Testing

Unit testing is simple, and frameworks make it complicated. In a large, complex project, a full fledged framework may be necessary. However, don't let a complex framework distract you from testing goals.

Project Setup

Some useful CMake and Git setup tips from my personal projects.

BMFont Utility

Post-processing utility for AngleCode's BMFont sprite-sheet font generator.

Comparison Chains

Chaining if statements happens alot when creating equals and other comparison functions. It looks overly verbose, and writing a wrapper makes it easier to grok.

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